Tuesday, September 17, 2013

So... about the Patriots.

Hello there.

So I've put Antosfall through a bit of the spin cycle. I know I've been talking about how awesome the Patriots are, but after a long period of consideration, I decided to cut them from the story.

Being as it is, though, I did not dispose of the content. The current amount of content for the Patriots is enough to fill a 50k word short novel.

Why would they be cut?

It felt like all of their chapters were a series of unrelated short stories involving the same group of people. Not to mention the fact that they were completely disconnected from the multitude of other stories being told, which all had a similar thread on their own. The Patriots just felt... unrelated.

So perhaps once I finish with this story, I will put together a book of old and new short stories that tie into the main story arc in various ways. It sounds like a fun project.

Also, the three little mini stories associated with the Patriots were:
1) a fast and brutal depiction of loss of humanity (become a machine or become an alien, etc)
2) a vivid and outlandish telling of the loss of sanity
3) a traitor

All of them have been revamped to contour to existing characters.

This change is positive. Anything that needed to be expressed within the Patriots has been imposed into the remaining characters with good effect, it really serves to make everyone that much more defined and bright.

Besides, I think it will be cool to read the revamped version in Antosfall, then read the original version of that same story written from the eyes of completely different people in a different setting in the Patriot short story collection. I probably wouldn't add a price tag to it, just because it will be unfluffy fun stuff (UFFS).

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Antosfall Character Showcase: Daina Rowen

Who is Daina Rowen? 

Well, so glad you asked.

Here is a short scene of Harold and Daina interacting, please follow this link to my public Drive document and don't forget to comment and share if you like :)